The Art of Drue Roberts

2024 is fast approaching and will be looking forward to a new year and upcoming shows to be posted as they become available.

Conspiracy Theory

 30" x 40", Acrylic on Canvas

This one is inspired by the interesting times we all live in.  

Welcome to Drue E. Roberts' website. The following is a collection of my paintings and drawings ranging from early works in the late 1990's to recently completed works.

About The Artist

I taught myself to draw and paint in my spare time. I began with colored pencils and eventually graduated to acrylic paints. With the acrylics, I've developed a unique style of layering paint using bold colors and pronounced light and shadows to produce pieces that speak for me on a very personal level.

My experience as a geologist dealing with environmental contamination has inspired much of my work. And you may notice influences ranging from the murals of Diego Rivera, the sparseness of Edward Hopper and the dinosaurs of William Stout.  I spent countless hours as a kid copying the dinosaurs out of William Stout's book "Dinosaurs" and those hours sprawled on the floor have evolved into my current works. I hope you enjoy looking at my paintings as much as I enjoyed creating them.  

For purchasing original works, additional press information,  commission inquiries or a list of upcoming shows, please contact me at